Abbott Lays Down $20M in Ad Reservations

Jeff Blaylock
Jun 30, 2022

GOV (Likely R): Gov. Greg Abbott’s (R) campaign has reserved nearly $20M in television, digital and Hispanic-media advertising. The buy, dubbed the first phase of reservations, includes nearly $9M in broadcast, cable, connected TV and radio advertising slots; $8M in digital ad spend; and $2.75M in Hispanic media. The early buy ensures the campaign has access to “prime ad slots in live sports programming and local news before they sell out.” Abbott had nearly $50M on hand as of late February, while Democratic challenger Beto O’Rourke had $7M on hand.

Independent Candidates: The Secretary of State has certified eight independent candidates for Congressional and legislative offices for the general election:

  • Linda Curtis in HD17 open (Safe R)
  • Alejandro Arrieta in HD103 (Safe D)
  • Vince Duncan in CD18 (Safe D)
  • Nathan Lewis in CD19 (Safe R)
  • Frank Lopez Jr. in CD23 (Lean R)
  • Zachariah Manning in CD30 (Safe D)
  • Chris Royal in CD34 (Likely D); and
  • Joel DeJean in CD38 (Safe R).

Arrieta and Lewis are the only challengers running against Rep. Rafael Anchia (D-Dallas) and U.S. Rep. Jodey Arrington (R-Lubbock), respectively. Our Crib Sheets have been updated to remove uncertified candidates.

No statewide candidates were certified. A total of 64 candidates filed declarations to run as independents as of the December filing deadline. As it is in most years, few follow through on the signature gathering and certification processes.

This does not complete the general election picture. Candidates may still file as declared write-in candidates. The filing period runs from July 23 through August 22. Only votes cast for declared write-in candidates are counted – votes for Mickey Mouse and Darth Vader are counted as under-votes for that office, the equivalent of leaving it blank.

Harris County: Sheriff Ed Gonzalez (D) has withdrawn his name from consideration as the next director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. President Biden nominated him for the post more than a year ago.

©2022 Texas Election Source LLC

Jeff Blaylock

Senior News Editor