Certified Write-in Candidates Complete November Matchups

Jeff Blaylock
Aug 24, 2022

The filing deadline has passed for the last set of candidates to make the general election ballot, except their names won’t actually be on it. Seven candidates qualified as certified write-in candidates for statewide and congressional offices:

  • GOV: Leander consultant Jacqueline Abernathy and Houston business owner Mark Goloby
  • LAND: College Station rancher Carrie Menger
  • CD20: San Antonio immigration attorney Adam Jonasz
  • CD22: Katy marketing consultant Jim Squires
  • CD30: Ovilla nurse Debbie Walker; and
  • CD37: Sherri Lynn Taylor

These candidates will not appear on the ballot, but any votes they receive will be counted. Our Crib Sheets have not yet been updated with these candidates but will be later this week.

SD19 (Likely D): Gov. Greg Abbott (R) endorsed Republican challenger and former Del Rio Mayor Robert Garza (R) over Sen. Roland Gutierrez (D-San Antonio). As of June 30, Garza had not reported any contributions, had no cash on hand and had spent less than $2K.

SD27 open (Lean D): Gov. Greg Abbott (R) endorsed Adam Hinojosa (R).

Austin: Seven candidates filed to succeed term-limited Mayor Steve Adler including former Sen. Kirk Watson (D-Austin), himself a former mayor; Rep. Celia Israel (D-Austin); and 2020 council candidate Jennifer Virden, who lost a runoff to Alison Alter by fewer than 600 votes.Council members Paige Ellis and Natasha Harper-Madison each drew three challengers. At least six candidates filed for each of the three open seats.Council member Chito Vela endorsed Israel.

Jeff Blaylock

Senior News Editor