Cisneros, Ramirez Request Recounts

Jeff Blaylock
Jun 7, 2022

Early voting continues for the June 14 special election for CD34 open (Lean R) through Friday. As of yesterday (Sunday), not quite 7K people have voted early in person (77%) or by mail (23%), which is roughly 1.7% of registered voters.

Recounts: Runoff candidates can request a recount until Wednesday at 5 p.m. local time.

CD15 open (Toss Up): Ruben Ramirez (D) requested a recount of his 30-vote runoff loss to Michelle Vallejo (D). “We owe it to the district and the voters of TX-15 to ensure that every vote is counted accurately,” he said in a statement. Vallejo said her “mind has been focused on the general” election since she declared victory last week.

CD28 (Lean D): Jessica Cisneros (D) requested a recount of her 281-vote runoff loss to U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Laredo). “With just under 0.6% of the vote symbolizing such stark differences for the future in South Texas, I owe it to our community to see this through to the end,” Cisneros said in a statement. Cuellar said every count had been counted. “I welcome this process as it will only further verify our victory,” he said.

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Jeff Blaylock

Senior News Editor