Election Season Winds Down As Prefiling Legislation Begins

Jeff Blaylock
Nov 14, 2022

Today (Mon.) was the deadline for provisional voters to cure the reason they had to vote provisional (e.g., address did not match voter roll, left ID at home). Today was also the deadline for absentee voters to cure defects on their absentee ballot carrier envelopes (e.g., identification number was not written on it, mismatched identification numbers) in person at the county’s early voting clerk. Today was also the last day ballots received from overseas voters could be accepted by county election officials.Upcoming dates of interest include:

  • Thursday – last day voter registrars can complete review of provisional ballots; last day to mail notices of rejected absentee ballots
  • November 21 – last day the early voting ballot board can count late domestic ballots, provisional & overseas ballots
  • November 22 – last day for counties to canvass election results
  • November 26 – earliest day the state canvass can occur
  • December 8 – deadline for counties to provide electronic precinct-level results to Secretary of State’s office
  • December 12 – deadline to conduct state canvass

Recounts must be requested by 5 p.m. local time of the second day after the canvass is conducted, but since that date is variable, so is the recount request deadline. A recount can be requested if the margin of loss is less than 10% of the total number of votes cast for that office or if fewer than 1,000 votes were cast for all candidates for an office combined. An automatic recount occurs only if there is a tie.

PRES: A new CWS Research poll conducted for the state Republican Party finds Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis leading former President Trump, 43%-32%, in a hypothetical primary race that included four other named potential candidates. U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R) was not one of them. If Trump does not run, DeSantis would be the choice of 66% of likely primary voters.

The poll of 1,099 Texans was in the field Novemeber 12-13 and has a ±2.96% margin of error.[https://texasgop.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/22.11.14-Republican-Party-of-Texas-Statewide-2024-R-Primary-Likely-Voter-Poll.pdf]

Prefiling: Today (Mon.) was the first day legislators and legislators-elect may file bills and resolutions for the 88th Regular Session, which convenes January 10. At least 75 of those first-day bills could impact elections in the state.

Jeff Blaylock

Senior News Editor