Embracing AI: The Game-Changer for Political Professionals

Laura Carr Davis
Dec 18, 2023

TXElects has launched a prototype of the first AI-driven software for Texas political professionals to 10 heavy-hitting organizations. This software is specifically designed to aggregate, query, and analyze complex legislative information, and is currently in a two-month-long client prototype testing phase to find improvements and refine the product.The rapid development and exponential growth of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology over the last year may raise concerns. However, it's time for political professionals to view AI not as a threat, but as an invaluable ally.As we embark on the campaign season with a looming 5th Special Session, we recognize the challenges political professionals face. Endless hours are dedicated to researching candidates, analyzing legislation, monitoring committee hearings, and watching floor debates. The solution? Embracing automation through AI.In the past year, we have witnessed a remarkable surge in public accessibility to Artificial Intelligence, particularly with the release of sophisticated Large Language Models (LLMs). These systems, capable of processing, comprehending, and generating text in a strikingly human-like manner, are transforming the way we tackle everyday challenges. Many Texas Legislative staffers are already using Chat GPT to easily and quickly summarize bills and documents, allowing them to redirect valuable time to analysis and strategy.Our advanced AI solutions will offer personalized insights, tailored to your unique needs. Effortlessly navigate thousands of bills with automated analysis and custom summaries, streamline your legislative tracking, and stay ahead with instant alerts on bill movements.Furthermore, AI's transformative role in campaign finance analysis cannot be overstated. AI can offer real-time updates and in-depth analysis of huge amounts of data – a level of insight previously unthinkable but now readily accessible.Yet perhaps AI's most significant application in our field is managing data from committee hearings and floor debates. AI technology allows instant access to searchable transcriptions, summaries, and specific video clips, making finding witness testimonies, opposition statements, and member questions far easier. When paired with real-time live video and transcription during the legislative session, this technology could alert you faster than a human could type—notifying you or your organization at the mention of anything you request.  We've already developed the prototype of this technology, and it is currently being used by our “super users”.This immediate access to content, coupled with enhanced searchability and context, promises to streamline our work and significantly boost advocacy effectiveness. AI isn’t destined to replace the nuanced skills of political professionals; rather, it aims to enhance them. By automating routine tasks, we free ourselves to focus on strategy, relationship-building, and influence.AI’s capacity to powerfully assist is only growing. Imagine being able to instantaneously query every time a member spoke about a proposed bill, to automatically check a bill for points of order, or even input a modification request and have an amendment drafted in seconds. These developments are all on the horizon at TXElects.Whether AI gives you back 50% of your time for leisure or enables you to double the amount of work you can do, it's here to assist in the government relations and public affairs world.At TXElects, our mission is to ensure you're always the smartest person in the room. Incorporating AI will make what was previously impossible a reality, saving time and enhancing strategic prowess.

Laura Carr Davis

Co-Founder and Head of Business Development