HD38 Special Election Ordered and Other News for February 10

Jeff Blaylock
Feb 11, 2022

Early voting for the March 1 primary begins Monday.

HD38 open (Safe D): Gov. Greg Abbott (R) ordered a May 7 special election to fill the unexpired term of Rep. Eddie Lucio III (D-XX), who resigned. Candidates must file by March 7. Early voting will begin on April 25 and end May 3. Anyone can run in the special election, which will fall between the March 1 primary and the May 24 runoff elections.

In this case, the runoff will not matter. Brownsville attorneys Erin Gamez (D) and Jonathan Gracia (D) are the only two candidates who filed for the general election. Because the filing deadline occurs after the primary election, the primary winner conceivably would not have to face their vanquished primary foe.

LTGOV (Lean R): Grassroots America We the People endorsed Trayce Bradford and Daniel Miller over Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (R). Bradford is a former Texas Eagle Forum president. Miller is the head of the Texas Nationalist Movement.

AG (Lean R): The Dallas Morning News and Fort Worth Star-Telegram endorsed former Supreme Court Justice Eva Guzman (R) over Atty. Gen. Ken Paxton (R). The Morning News endorsed Joe Jaworski for the Democratic nomination. The Star-Telegram endorsed Rochelle Garza (D).

LAND open (Likely R): Grassroots America We the People endorsed Jon Spiers (R).SD17 (Likely R): The Houston Chronicle endorsed Titus Benton for the Democratic nomination to face Sen. Joan Huffman (R-Houston).

HD92 open (Likely D): Annie’s List endorsed Tracy Scott (D).

HD127 open (Likely R): The Houston Chronicle endorsed Charles Cunningham (R).

HD138 (Likely R): The Houston Chronicle endorsed Josh Flynn (R) over Rep. Lacey Hull (R-XX). The paper endorsed Flynn in 2020 when it was an open-seat race.

HD147 (Safe D): The Houston Chronicle endorsed Danielle Keys Bess (D).

HD150 (Likely R): The Houston Chronicle endorsed Rep. Valoree Swanson (R-Spring).

CD30 open (Safe D): A new Democratic super PAC, Protect Our Future, endorsed Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-Dallas) among four other candidates nationally. The PAC plans to invest $1M in the primary race to support Crockett. This commitment comes swiftly on the heels of $235K in independent expenditures supporting Crockett by WEB3 Forward, a crypto-aligned super PAC formed just three days ago.

Austin: Council member Kathie Tovo established a campaign committee to run for mayor. Rep. Celia Israel (D-Austin) is already in the race. Mayor Steve Adler is term-limited.

©2022 Texas Election Source

Jeff Blaylock

Senior News Editor