Recounts to Begin Next Week in CD15, CD28 Runoffs

Jeff Blaylock
Jun 10, 2022

Early voting for the June 14 special election for CD34 (Lean R) concludes tomorrow (Fri.).

As of yesterday (Wed.), just over 11K people have voted early in person (81%) or by mail (19%), representing 2.8% of registered voters. Slightly less than three quarters of all voters in the district so far reside in Cameron Co.

Recounts: The Texas Democratic Party approved recount requests from Ruben Ramirez (D) for his 30-vote runoff loss to Michelle Vallejo in CD15 (Toss Up) and from Jessica Cisneros (D) for her 281-vote runoff loss to U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Laredo) in CD28 (Lean D). A manual recount of the CD15 runoff is expected to begin on Wednesday. An electronic recount for CD28 is expected to begin later next week.

©2022 Texas Election Source LLC

Jeff Blaylock

Senior News Editor